Audio Lesson: Did you hear about Brad Pitt? Click play to listen to the conversation and follow with the text below.
Tu es au courrant que Brad Pitt a acheté un château dans la région?
Did you know that Brad Pitt bought a castle in the region?
Non, ce n’est pas vrai. Ici en Provence?
No, it’s not true. Here in Provence?
Je sens que je vais m’évanouir.
I feel like I am going to faint.
Incroyable, hein? Brad Pitt est notre voisin maintenant.
Unbelievable hein? Brad Pitt is our neighbor now.
C’est le plus beau jour de ma vie.
It’s the best day of my life.
D’après les journaux, il veut même apprendre le français.
According to the newspapers, he even wants to learn French.
Tu sais quoi, on va essayer de le trouver.
You know what, we’re going to try to find him.