Bienvenue! Welcome! Bonjour! Salut! Je m’appelle Pierre. appeler J’appelle… Je m’appelle… Je m’appelle… Je m’appelle Pierre. Enchanté! Comment allez-vous? |
aller to go Je vais bien. Vous allez bien. Comment allez-vous? Je vais bien. Merci. Et vous? Je vais très bien. Très bien. Merci. A bientôt! Au revoir! Adieu! |
this is so helpful , it’s great , thaaaaaanks a million
I am from Albania . This is very helpful to learn French.
very clear to understand exspiaind very well best i hav come across feel this will work for me merci
tres bien! merci.
Hi. I would like to say thank you. I am using 4 different on-line language programs to learn French. So far, your program offers the best break-down of beginner French. I have learned more basics with less confusion on JeFrench than any of the other websites. The other sites skim over and you have to hold on and hope for the best. I actually understand the reasons behind the basics with you. Thus, I remember more and can apply it when creating my own phrases. You are a great professeur !!
Bonjour! It’s been a while since I last logged in. I am going back to Part 1.
Do you have an audio only program that can be down loaded to a MP3 etc.?
Merci pour les lecons Je vais avoir beaucoup de plaisir a apprendre le francais.
Marci Tu ! i am from India
i know English and i want to learn french but for long time i had not found that kind of website but i found today and i learnt initial thing in your video program again i will say to you thank you very mach .