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French Romance
French Love Phrases
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French Love Phrases. Enjoy in moderation! :)
Je t’aime.
I love you.

Je t’adore.
I adore/love you.

Je suis fou de toi.
I am crazy about you.

Je suis folle de toi. (f)
I am crazy about you.

un fou / une folle
a crazy person

le fou du roi
the king’s jester

Je pense à toi.
I think of you.

Je suis amoureux… amoureuse. (f)
I am in love.


C’est l’amour fou.
It’s crazy love, the real deal.

Je t’aime pour toujours.
I love you forever.

Kiss me!

Embrasser sur la bouche
To French kiss

Donne-moi un bisou.
Give me a kiss.

Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi.
I can’t live without you.

Tu es la femme de ma vie.
You are the woman of my life.

Tu es l’homme de ma vie.
You are the man of my life.

Tu es la femme de mes rêves.
You are the woman of my dreams.

Serre-moi dans tes bras.
Hold me (squeeze me) in your arms.

On vit d’amour et d’eau fraîche.
We live/survive on love and fresh water.
(popular French saying when being in love)

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Leave A Reply (36 comments so far)

  1. jenny
    10 years ago

    merci beaucoup monsieur, apres j’ai ecoute votre lecon je deviens tomber amour pour le francais…

  2. Mona
    10 years ago

    Thank you very much ,I will let my children to learn French through this website

  3. marie
    10 years ago

    I’m glad I found a website that could teach me french but can someone please tell me what
    “C’EST LA VIE” means.. I’ve heard it a lot of times left alone wondering what it really means..
    MERCI.. :D

    • JeFrench
      10 years ago

      That’s life! That’s the way it goes…

  4. getachew alemu
    10 years ago

    i am so happy to get you website and learn to french but how can i get the other lesson please support me tank you so much for in did.

  5. paris
    10 years ago

    excellent tutorial i love it thank you so so much it is clear and enjoyable and your voice is great

  6. me
    10 years ago

    Good but I think you’ve got confused about what we English mean when we say “French kiss” – you definitely don’t do it with family! It’s a passionate kiss with tongues involved. Also some way to rewind the video would be good (a bar like on youtube)

  7. Luhuvilo
    10 years ago

    I guess this website will help me speak french

  8. Solongo
    10 years ago

    Great presentation.

    If all tutors were like you, we would be so many french speakers.


  9. samuel
    10 years ago

    I great Tutor. I have liked your approach, presentation and everything. Great. Merci beaucoup

  10. Patricia
    10 years ago

    Merci pour les videos.