Mini Lesson – I don’t understand!

Short French lesson on the verb comprendre (to understand) and expressions like I don’t understand anything, Do you understand?, I totally understand.

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to understand

Je comprends

Tu comprends

Il/Elle comprend

Nous comprenons

Vous comprenez

Ils/Elles comprennent

Elle comprend bien.

She has a good understanding.

Je ne comprends pas.

I don’t understand.

Je comprends pas.

I don’t understand.

Est-ce que tu comprends?

Do you understand?

Non! Je ne comprends pas!

No! I don’t understand!

Non! Je ne comprends rien!

No! I don’t understand (nothing) anything!



C’est rien!

It’s nothing!

Je ne comprends rien!

I don’t understand nothing! (anything)

Tu comprends?

Do you understand?

Non! Je comprends rien! (short version – everyday conversations)

No! I don’t understand anything!

Moi non plus!

Me neither!



C’est moi!

It’s me!

C’est pas moi!

It’s not me!

Est-ce que vous comprenez?

Do you understand? (formal or talking to a group)

Oui! Je comprends bien!

Yes! I totally understand!

Tu comprends la situation?

You understand the situation?

Oui! Je comprends très bien!

Yes I understand very well! Yes I totally understand!

Tu me comprends?

You understand (me)? You feel me? You understand where I’m coming from?

Vous me comprenez?

You understand where I’m coming from? (formal)

Tu me comprends?

You understand where I’m coming from? (casual)

Je ne vous comprends pas.

I don’t (can’t) understand you. (formal)

Je ne te comprends pas.

I don’t understand you. (casual)


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  1. Gyorgy Kandra
    9 years ago

    Merci beaucoup JeFrench.
    I love this method, especially the detailed expanations of grammar and pronunciation.
    These lessons give support and motivation for the Weekly lessons. Please continue.

  2. Pauline Lee
    9 years ago

    My only second lesson….I’m truly understanding the dialogue, pronunciation and grammar! Merci..

  3. wilmer sanchez
    9 years ago

    gracias je french

  4. Arpin
    9 years ago

    Thank you very much!!! The lessons you offer are really worth studying…. Thank you for helping to improve my French,,, I am looking forward to speaking French well enough as soon as possible ,,,

  5. Joses
    9 years ago

    Wow… This is really great. Oui! Je comprends bien!!! C’est moi joses sayin merci beaucoup..

  6. Romina
    9 years ago

    Merci beaucoup ,thank you so much these mini lessons help me so much.i love it

  7. Moin Shaikh
    9 years ago

    merci beaucoup!

  8. Lisa Nash
    9 years ago

    Very good – I like that you are leaving us time to repeat the words/sentences and at times you are asking us to repeat. That’s helpful. Thanks!

  9. shoora
    9 years ago

    thank you so much

  10. ital
    9 years ago

    i love this …thanks im learning something new every week